O činnosti naší organizace za uplynulý rok se dočtete ve výroční zprávě za rok 2023. Najdete zde nejen popis naší činnosti, strukturu a poslání, ale i statistická data, údaje o zaměstnancích a finanční zprávu, včetně výsledků finančních, vnitřních a vnějších kontrol a auditů. / celý článek
RFA MOI was established on January 1, 1996 as a detachment of the Refugee Section (now the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy – AMPD MOI.) The reason was to separate the authority of the state administration in the area of asylum policy and administration process of granting asylum, from providing services to applicants for asylum, or international protection. RFA MOI has become a practical implementator of a part of the national migration and integration policy.
RFA MOI closely cooperates with other departments of the Ministry of the Interior – Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (AMPD MOI), Police of the Czech Republic (PCR), and Health Facilities Department of the Ministry of the Interior.
RFA MOI activities are defined by Law No. 326/1999, Coll., on the stay of foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic, and Law No. 325/1999, Coll., on asylum.
Operates several types of facilities – Reception Centers, Residential Centers, Integration Asylum Centers, Facilities for the Detention of Foreigners.
Provides services to different categories of foreigners based on their legal status – applicants for international protection, international protection holders, detained foreigners.
Is a general provider of integration services for international protection holders within the scope of the State Integration Program.
Operates Centers for the Support of the Integration of Foreigners for third countries foreigners in nine regions of the Czech Republic.
Ensures implementation of voluntary returns of international protection applicants to their country of origin.
Ensures economic service for AMPD MOI.
Has headquarters in Prague.
CPIC – Liberecký kraj
Voroněžská 144/20,
tel.: +420 482 313 064
tel.: +420 725 339 388
fax:+420 482 313 825
e-mail: icliberec@suz.cz
IAS – Předlice
Husitská cesta 217/4
400 05, Ústí nad Labem
tel.: +420 475 600 151
fax: +420475600150
mail: iaspredlice@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 1994
detailZZC Bělá-Jezová
Jezová 1501
294 21, Bělá pod Bezdězem
tel.: +420 326 711 216
fax: +420 326 701 594
e-mail: bela@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2006 (ve správě SUZ)
detailPoS Bělá-Jezová
Jezová 1501
294 21, Bělá pod Bezdězem
tel.: +420 326 711 216
fax: +420 326 701 594
e-mail: bela@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2019 (ve správě SUZ)
Detail zařízeníIAS – Jaroměř
Kracíkova 18 (P. O. Box 10/P)
551 02, Jaroměř
tel.: +420 491 813 891
mail.: iasjaromer@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 1994
detailCPIC – Karlovarský kraj
Závodu Míru 876/3a,
360 17, Karlovy Vary
tel.: +420 353 892 559
tel.: +420 725 339 387
e-mail: ickarlovyvary@suz.cz
Coordination Center for Foreigners
in the Kvasiny Industrial zone
Panská 1492 (společenské centrum)
Rychnov nad Kněžnou
tel.: 770 144 484
go to webPoS – Kostelec
Tř. Rudé armády 1000
517 41, Kostelec nad Orlicí
tel.: +420 494 323 803
tel.: +420494323113
fax: +420 494 320 310
e-mail: kostelec@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2001
detailZZC Balková
Balková 1
331 65, Balková
tel.: +420 974 320 900
e-mail: balkova@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2016
detailCPIC – Pardubický kraj
Pernerova 444,
530 02, Pardubice
tel.: +420 725 148 519
tel.: +420 466 989 228
fax.: +420 466 952 066
e-mail: icpardubice@suz.cz
CPIC – Moravskoslezský kraj
Českobratrská 2227/7,
702 00, Ostrava
tel.: +420 596 112 626
tel.: +420 607 860 812
tel.: +420 778 495 537
fax: +420 596 112 124
e-mail: icostrava@suz.cz
PoS – Havířov
Na Kopci 5
735 64, Havířov – Dolní Suchá
tel.: +420 596 805 911
fax: +420 596 884 936
e-mail: havirov@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 1996
detailIAS Havířov
Na Kopci 5
735 64, Havířov – Dolní Suchá
tel.: +420 596 805 911
fax: +420 596 884 936
e-mail: havirov@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 1996
detailCPIC – Plzeňský kraj
Americká 39
301 00 Plzeň
tel.: +420 725 874 976
tel.: +420 377 223 157
fax: +420 377 224 430
e-mail: icplzen@suz.cz
Registrační humanitární středisko Vyšní Lhoty
Vyšní Lhoty 234
739 51, Vyšní Lhoty
e-mail: vysnilhoty@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2015
detailCPIC – Olomoucký kraj
Hálkova 171/2,
779 00, Olomouc
tel.: +420 608 119 971
tel.: +420 585 204 686
fax: +420 585 242 383
e-mail: icolomouc@suz.cz
CPIC – pro kraj Vysočina
Tolstého 15
586 01 Jihlava
tel.: +420 567 212 257
tel.: +420 778 401 089
e-mail: icjihlava@suz.cz
CPIC – Zlínský kraj
Štefánikova 167,
760 01, Zlín
tel.: +420 577 018 651
tel.: +420 725 148 515
tel.: +420 778 409 862
fax: +420 577 018 062
e-mail: iczlin@suz.cz
IAS – Brno
Tovačovského 3
636 00, Brno – Židenice
tel.: +420 548 210 302
tel.: +420 778 750 920
fax: +420 548 210 302
Rok vzniku: 2009
detailPřS – Zastávka
Havířská 514
664 84, Brno – venkov
tel.: +420 546 411 130
fax: +420546411087
e-mail: zastavka@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2009
detailPoS – Zastávka
Havířská 514
664 84, Brno – venkov
tel.: +420 546 411 130
fax: +420546411087
e-mail: zastavka@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2009
Detail zařízeníCPIC – Jihočeský kraj
Kněžskodvorská 2296,
370 04, České Budějovice
tel.: + 420 387 202 508
tel.: + 420 608 120 218
tel.: + 420 778 498 528
fax: + 420 387 735 285
e-mail: icceskebudejovice@suz.cz
Headquarters Prague – SUZ
Lhotecká 7
Praha 12
tel.: +420 974 827 118
fax.: +420 974 827 280
e-mail: podatelna@suz.cz
PřS – Ruzyně
Areál mezinárodního letiště Václava Havla
Aviatická 1017/12
160 08, Praha 6 – Ruzyně
tel.: +420 974 883 797
tel.: +420 296 669 655
e-mail: ruzyne@suz.cz
Rok vzniku: 2001
detailReception Centers serve for the accommodation of newly arrived applicants for international protection as long as the elementary entry procedures are being completed (identification, filing application for international protection, health examinations). The reception centers provide accommodation, food, basic hygienic needs, health care, social and psychological services, and leisure time activities.
RFA MOI operates a reception center in the transit area of Václav Havel Airport Prague (external Schengen border), and a reception center at Zastávka (near Brno, capacity of 199 beds. Due to a short term stay of applicants, Zastávka is able to receive an increased number of persons applying for international protection.).
RFA MOI operates a reception center:
Transit area of Václav Havel Airport Prague
Zastávka (South Moravian Region)
After the completion of the procedures at the reception center applicants (those who cannot afford to provide for their own accommodation) can choose to stay at one of the residential centers. Clients can leave the facility freely; they receive financial allowances, but prepare their food themselves. Clients can use the services of social workers, legal and psychological assistance, and can choose from a variety of leisure time activities, and voluntary Czech language courses.
RFA MOI operates residential centers:
Kostelec nad Orlicí (Hradec Králové Region)
Havířov (Moravian Silesian Region)
Zastávka (South Moravian Region)
It is the first place of integration, usually smaller accommodation facilities with flats located in cities. Clients start their integration activities with the assistance of a social worker who provides counselling and other services.
International protection holders who are not accommodated at Integration Asylum Centers but have their own accommodation, use a network of counselling centers which are established and operated by the RFA MOI and which provide integration services to holders of international protection in a respektive region.
Major activities of the State Integration Program include access to clients’ own housing, jobs, education, and other meaningful activities supporting the integration in Czech society.
The RFA MOI operates IAS:
Jaroměř (Hradec Králové Region)
Předlice (Ústí nad Labem Region)
Brno (South Moravian Region)
Havířov (Moravian Silesian Region)
These facilities are designed for detention of foreigners who obtained the decision on administrative expulsion from the Immigration Police, and who must leave the Czech Republic. Foreigners are provided with accommodation, food, and other material needs; clients can use the services of social workers, leisure time activities, psychological and legal services and urgent health care. Facilities for the Detention of Foreigners are one of the pillars of an effective return policy of the Czech Republic. The point is that those foreigners who have to leave the Czech Republic because of their illegal stay are placed in these facilities and they must not leave them. At the same time, the state provides dignified conditions for their stay until they leave the country.
RFA MOI operates Facilities for Detention of Foreigners:
Bělá pod Bezdězem (Central Bohemian Region)
Vyšní Lhoty (Moravian Silesian Region)
Balková (Pilsen Region)
It is a person who enjoys international protection either as an asylum or subsidiary protection holder. That person has the same rights and duties as a foreigner with permanent residence permit (e.g. access to the job market, health care, or social services.) Contrary to asylum, subsidiary protection is granted for a specific period of time during which the authorities examine whether the reasons for which subsidiary protection was granted still prevail.
Kostelec nad Orlicí (Hradec Králové Region)
Havířov (Moravian Silesian Region)
Václav Havel Airport Prague
Zastávka (South Moravian Region)
A foreigner who has asked for international protection in the Czech Republic or in another EU member state, is defined as an applicant for international protection. The Czech Republic is authorized to assess the application. International protection means either asylum or subsidiary protection.
IAS Předlice
IAS Jaroměř
IAS Brno
IAS Havířov
Foreigners coming from countries outside the European Union live in the Czech Republic on the basis of a residence permit.
CPIC for South Bohemian Region
CPIC for Karlovy Vary Region
CPIC for Liberec Region
CPIC for South Moravian Region
CPIC for Olomouc Region
CPIC for Pardubice Region
CPIC for Pilsen Region
CPIC for Zlín Region
CPIC for Vysočina Region
CPIC for Central Bohemian Region
They are persons who entered or stayed on the territory of the Czech Republic (European Union) illegally. They were detained because of their illegal stay and in order to be administratively expelled or handed over under the international convention or the applicable EU directive.
Bělá pod Bezdězem (Central Bohemian Region)
Vyšní Lhoty (Moravian Silesian Region)
Balková (Pilsen Region)
The main aim of the State Integration Program is to support the integration of persons whom the Czech Republic has granted international protection.
Under the law and a government decree, RFA MOI is an authorized general provider of integration services. This decree allocates funds for the implementation of the program. International protection holders can stay in another type of facility operated by the RFA MOI – integration asylum centers.
State Integration Program Website
The main aim of the centers is to support the integration of third country citizens.
The centers and their activities are a key tool of the government policy :
„Concept of Integration of Foreigners“. RFA MOI operates the centers in nine regions: Moravian-Silesian, Pardubice , Pilsen, Zlín, Karlovy Vary, Liberec , Southern Bohemia, Olomouc and Vysočina.
The Centers offer third country citizens free Czech language and social and cultural courses, counselling and information services, legal and other services.
One of the important activities of the center is coordination or participation in the operation of regional platforms, which are a meeting place of representatives of all actors in the field of the integration of foreigners in a particular region (labor offices, immigration police, NGOs, local administration, schools, etc.). The platforms identify concrete problems, and help coordinate individual actors, provide for better exchange of information, respond to topical needs. Thousands of foreigners from dozens of countries use the centers‘ services. The centers‘ activities are funded by the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF).
Show on the map Centers for the Support of the Integration of Foreigners WebsiteThe Czech Republic decree No. 388 of 22 May, 2017, stipulated to establish a Coordination Center for Foreigners in the Kvasiny industrial Zone as part of the measures solving a deteriorating situation in the industrial zone and its neighborhood due to the increased employment of foreigners. This center should help improve the situation and prevent negative phenomena related to the employment of foreigners.
Show on the map Coordination Center Website
The Voluntary Returns Program is designed for applicants for international protection who have decided to terminate their asylum procedurę of their own accord. The Program is implemented by the RFA MOI under Section 54a of the Act on Asylum. It offers the clients a safe and dignified return to their country of origin. The RFA MOI provides the acquisition of a free flight ticket and assistance in obtaining the travel documents and counselling. In case it is not possible to provide a flight ticket to a destination of the client’s choice, he can get a contribution for transportation in the country of destination.
The RFA MOI can also provide accommodation during voluntary return procedures and necessary assistance such as the acquisition of travel documents, transportation to the place of departure from the Czech Republic, or during transfer in a foreign country. The applicant returns home as a tourist, and the authorities in the country of origin do not know the reason of his stay in the Czech Republic – therefore, it is their own choice. The program is beneficial for both sides – the unsuccessful applicant for international protection avoids the risk of illegal stay and its consequences, and for the Czech Republic a voluntary return of a foreigner is economically more advantageous than his further stay in the country.
The organizational structure of the RFA MOI is designed to provide flexible response to changes in migration developments by providing sufficient capacities in the asylum migration, as well as for foreigners who stayed on the Czech territory illegally, and who are placed in detention facilities for foreigners. The RFA MOI has its headquarters in Prague – it is the seat of the director of the facilities who directly supervises individual departments and sections.
Director of RFA MOI
Deputy Director and Head of the Economic and Operations Department
Head of the Foreigner Intergration Support Department
Head of the Work with clients Deparment
Head of the Organizational Deparment
Head of the Internal Audit and Control Section
Head of HR Section
Head of PR Section
Information is published in accordance with the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (general data protection regulation – GDPR, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) and in accordance with domestic legislation concerning the protection of personal data.
Správa uprchlických zařízení Ministerstva vnitra
Headquarters: Lhotecká 559/7, 143 00 Praha 12
Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 110, 143 00 Praha 4
Org. ID No.: 604 98 021
Statutory body: Mgr. Petr Pondělíček, Director
Mail Room e-mail address: podatelna@suz.cz
Tel. No.: +420 974 827 118
Data Inbox ID: 7ruiypv
Contact Details for the Trustee for the Protection of Personal Data:
JUDr. Marek Mazanec
E-mail address: poverenec@suz.cz
Tel. No.: +420 974 827 170
Lhotecká 7
Praha 12
P.O. Box 110
Praha 4
143 00
+420 974 827 118
ČNB Praha 1
827 118
+420 974 827 117
+420 974 827 280
JUDr. Marek Mazanec
poverenec@suz.cz, +420 974 827 170
Public Relations Section +420 778 880 702 jpiroch@suz.cz
Public Relations Section +420 773 794 814 rpitekova@suz.cz